Thursday, January 31, 2008

about my indulgence

Take this test!

For someone who's as on-the-go as you, the greatest indulgence of all is a hearty dose of rest and relaxation. Charming and fun, you love spending time with family and friends, but there's also a mellow and quiet side of you that relishes time alone with your thoughts.

Whether you like to take long walks, catch an afternoon blockbuster, or check out a hip new art exhibit, you like exploring the world on your own terms and learning more about yourself in the process. Not one to harp on the past or obsess about the future, you have a confident and graceful way of savoring each experience as it comes. Stay cool!

all about shopping

Take this test!

Getting the best for the least is where it's at. And for you, it's your strength in the world of retail. As a savvy shopper, you know all the spots where you can get good deals. Maybe you show up early to be the first in line for the sale of the year. Knowing where and when to go is a huge part of bargain hunting and one you do well. You're probably no stranger to off-retail stores, factory outlets, warehouse sales, sample sales, and closeout sales. That's all par for the course when it comes to getting good deals. That doesn't mean that you'll skimp on the quality of the things you buy. That's what smart shopping is — factoring in the value of the product vs. the price and finding the best buy.

Being a true bargain shopper is a real talent. It requires knowing the tricks of the trade and the right spots to shop. It also requires patience and determination. It's a sport and it's one that you seem to shine in sale after sale. Whether you've got a strict budget or a big bank account, you know how to get the most mileage out of your bucks. Way to go!

sin oh sin

Take this test!

Hopefully, most people would admit to taking some Pride in their lives: their work, their families, their homes or their art. But test takers who scored high in Pride may prioritize achievements above other things and use them as a way to feel superior to others.

what can i change?

Take this test!

While other people sit around and wait for life to come to them, you put yourself out there and make it happen. After all, if you don't like the way things are, how do you expect anything to be different unless you do something about it?

Determined and dedicated, you're not afraid to go out on a limb and do what you can to make an impact. You realize change doesn't happen overnight, and you don't give up easily even when the going gets tough. That's what makes you such an inspiration. And it's also sure to make the world a better place. Bravo!

chakra lol!!!

Take this test!

This is the chakra located at the top of your throat. The fifth chakra represents honesty and truth. When this chakra is clear, positive energy can flow from it freely. Radiating positive energy from your fifth chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning the important life lessons associated with this energy center. You're apt to feel a more burning need than others do to speak the truth, treat people with respect, and act with integrity. Possessing strong fifth chakra energy also suggests that you're not one to fight your life's natural path. Instead, you seem to align your will with divine will.

Feng Shui Coy

Take this test!

Practitioners emphasize that good energy flow in this area of life can help people tap into their own inner wisdom, have the strength to take on challenges and difficult tasks, do well academically, and make good decisions.

my qualities

Take this test!

People who are highly intelligent are more likely to be unique than many. Higher intelligence also offers greater possibilities in terms of how someone is likely to interpret the world. In addition, intelligent people are typically more able to articulate themselves well and to have high integrity.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Akibat sering pamer aurat, Dewi Persik ketiban apes lagi. Semalam (Rabu, 23/1) usai mengisi sebuah acara di salah satu stasiun televisi swasta, payudara milik mantan istri Saiful Jamil itu digerayangi penggemar. Sebelumnya sang pengemar iseng curi-curi gambar payudara Dewi Persik dengan kamera hp saat sang idola sibuk diwawancari. Penasaran dan tak tahan, dikira payudara 'milik negara', sang pengemar main towel saja. Karuan saja merasa barang pribadinya digerayangi Dewi pun naik pitam. Bogem mentah pun melayang, usai meluapkan kemarahan Dewi lari ke mobil sambil nangis. (wwn)

Britney Spears Diizinkan Telepon Kedua Putranya - Harapan Britney Spears untuk kembali berhubungan dengan putranya akhirnya terwujud setelah Senin kemarin (28/01) pengadilan mengeluarkan dokumen yang memberikan kesempatan Britney untuk menelepon kedua putranya, namun tetap dilarang melakukan kontak fisik dengan Preston dan Jayden.

"Spears diizinkan menelepon kedua putranya. Dengan ketentuan yang telah disepakati sebelumnya, papar Komisaris polisi Scott Gordon, dalam jumpa persnya Senin, seperti dikutip dari Newsworld.

Pihak pengadilan masih memberlakukan aturan yang ketat untuk masalah hak kunjung dan memberikan hak asuh pada mantan suami Britney, Kevin Federline, menyusul dirawatnya si diva pop itu pada 6 Januari lalu di Cedar-Sinai Medical Center.

Saat ini Sean Preston Federline (2) dan Jayden James Federline (1) berada di rumah Kevin di Tarzana, California. Sementara pihak pengacara Britney terus berjuang agar dia mendapat hak kunjung kedua putra.

Awal Senin kemarin, penulis masalah kepribadian Barbara Walters, mendapat bocoran dari orang kepercayaan dan juga sobat dekat Britney, Sam Lutfi, yang mengatakan Britney saat ini tengah mencari bantuan untuk masalah mental yang diidapnya.

Seperti diketahui, saat dibawa ke Cedar-Sinai, Britney dalam keadaan tak stabil, saat dibopong menuju ambulans, Britney terlihat stres, dia tersenyum, tertawa-tawa keras, setelah itu menangis.

Pun begitu keluar dari rumah sakit, Britney ditemui juga menegak minuman keras bareng pacar barunya, Adnan Ghalib, paparazzi berusia 35. Pihak keluarga juga menyatakan jika Britney sedang mengalami masalah kejiwaan serius. (people/rit)

Mayangsari Si Social Climber

Artikel ini dikutip dari

Jakarta, Perempuan yang kini menjadi satu-satunya istri Bambang Tri itu lebih senang tampil bergaya layaknya perempuan Kosmopolitan. Sanggul, kebaya dan kain wiron hampir tidak pernah dikenakannya. Balutan jeans dan tank top yang memamerkan belahan dada. Atau gaun babydoll simpel jadi outfit pilihan ibu satu anak itu.

Mayang yang juga salah satu pemilik salon ternama di Jakarta selalu tampil dengan tatanan rambut tanpa cela. Rambutnya pun selalu diwarnai. Coklat, hingga bernuansa kemerahan seperti warna rambutnya saat melayat Pak Harto, Minggu (27/1/2008) malam lalu.

Dulu Mayangsari hanyalah penyanyi biasa. Namun seperti selebriti di Hollywood, kini Mayangsari diperhitungkan sebagai selebriti a-list. Ia kerap hadir dalam peragaan-peragaan busana perancang ternama di Indonesia.

Namanya telah tertera dalam daftar panjang sosialita Jakarta. Mobil Jaguar, rumah di Menteng, statusnya sebagai istri Bambang Tri. Mungkinkah semuanya itu jadi faktor pengubah gaya seorang Mayangsari?(kee/dit)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Kenapa Gw Masih Single? Mau tau?

Take this test!

Once the blush of first love wears off with your partners, do you get a little antsy? You probably crave excitement in all realms of your life, and you need a relationship to keep you filled with possibilities. Let us guess: Someone has probably told you that you haven't quite grown up yet, that you're still holding out for the perfect "whatevers" (job, car, home, date) in your life to come a knockin'. Or perhaps you're just having a difficult time accepting that your comfortable little place in this world is always growing, always evolving — and that means you have to be willing to accept big life changes, too. Not that there's anything wrong with that. After all, you're probably a lot of fun to be around and may be the life of the party.

But when it comes to settling down, you leave without looking back twice. Now's the time to ask yourself: Why? What's holding you back? Maybe you don't want someone to get to know you fully? Perhaps by saying "yes" to someone, you're afraid you'll lose yourself, or the possibility of something better coming along. Just remember that the best relationships are those that never stop growing. That's something you can identify with, right? So keep that in mind next time you find someone you're really comfortable with. You never know, it may prove even more exciting once you really get to know each other, teensy flaws and all.

sekolah karate

gini nih akibatnya klo sekolah karate di kasih meja hehe...

udin dan sang penyelamat

Alkisah sebuah kampung di kota Jakarta diterjang banjir.

Adalah seorang pemuda kampung yang bernama Udin bertahan diatap rumahnya. Beberapa saat kemudian sebuah kapal boat datang untuk menyelamatkanya. "Din lu naik sini deh biar gw bawa ke tempat yg lebih aman" kata salah seorang didalam boat. "Kagak, gw yakin Tuhan nyelamatin gw" balas si Udin. Air banjir pun semakin tinggi hingga mencapai dada si Udin. Ga berapa lama sebuah kapal boat lagi buat nyelamatin si Udin. "Lu pergi aja deh, cuma Tuhan yg nyelamatin gw!" kata Udin.

Begitulah sampe tiga kali kapal boat datang Udin tetap yakin Tuhan akan nyelamatin dia.

Air banjir pun semakin tinggi, hampir menenggelamkan si Udin. Tak lama kemudian sebuah Helikopter datang dan menjatuhkan tangga untuk nyelamatin si Udin. "Udeh gw bilang gw kagak butuh, cuma Tuhan yang nyelamatin manusia!" teriak si Udin.

Sampe akhirnya si Udin tenggelam dan terseret air. Ia pun tewas.

Setelah tewas, roh si Udin ketemu Tuhan. Udin pun protes. "Tuhan gimana sih, katanya lu penyelamat manusia. Penyelamat apaan, gw sampe tewas keseret air begini!". Tuhan pun membalas, "Pala lu peang Din, Tiga kapal boat dan satu helikopter itu apaan?!"

balada udin dan wati

Udin dan Wati adalah sahabat karib. Tapi sebenarnya Udin punya hasrat kepada Wati. Udin memang terkenal cabul tapi sok baek n bijaksana klo didepan cewe. Sampai akhirnya Udin melihat sebuah kesempatan..

Wati: Din gw dah bikin dosa sama cowo gw..
Udin: Apa yg udah kamu lakukan?
Wati: Saya barusan berteriak "ANJING LU!" ke cowo gw.
Udin: Ada apa gerangan kamu sebut dia anjing?
Wati: Karena dia menyentuh tangan gw din.
Udin: Seperti ini (Udin menyentuh tangan wati).
Wati: Iya din.
Udin: Gitu doang koq marah sih ti, ga bagus lho..
Wati: Tapi dia juga memegang dada gw din.
Udin: Seperti ini (Udin memegang dada wati).
Wati: Iya din.
Udin: Jadi orang itu harus sabar lho Ti..
Wati: Tapi dia juga ngelepasin pakaian gw.
Udin: Seperti ini (Udin lalu melepas pakaian wati).
Wati: Iya din.
Udin: Tetap aja ga perlu sebut2 anjing donk Ti, dosa lho..
Wati: Tapi dia masukin anu nya ke anu gw Din (Lu tau lah ape)
Udin: Seperti ini (Udin lalu masukin anu nya ke anu Wati).
Udin: Yah.. tetap aja kamu ga perlu pake teriak2 anjing donk Ti
[Hehe.. berhasil juga gw pikir si Udin]
Wati: Tapi dia ternyata pengidap AIDS Din.

the values test

Take this test!

Even when left alone with someone's most valuable secrets, you appear to be one of those rare people who could forego the opportunity to snoop. Because you're one who usually places a high value on privacy — yours as well as other people's — you're someone who can ordinarily be trusted not to let the skeletons out of other people's closets. Because you like to keep your business to yourself and prefer that others do the same, you're not likely to become embroiled in others' battles or concerns. You're more apt to feel that it's better to focus on your own actions and welfare, rather than face the potential consequences of meddling.

indonesia paling berani

Di atas geladak kapal perang US Army tiga pemimpin negara sedang "berdiskusi" tentang prajurit siapa yang paling berani. Eh kebetulan di sekitar kapal ada hiu-hiu yang sedang kelaparan lagi berenang mencari makan ...

Bill Clinton: Kalau Anda tahu ... prajurit kami adalah yang terberani di seluruh dunia ... Mayor .. sini deh ... coba kamu berenang keliling ini kapal sepuluh kali.

Mayor: (walau tahu ada hiu) siap pak, demia "The Star Spangled Banner" saya siap ,,, (akhirnya dia terjun dan mengelilingi kapal 10 kali sambil dikejar hiu).

Mayor: (naik kapal dan menghadap) Selesai pak!!! Long Live America!!

Clinton: Hebat kamu, kembali ke pasukan!

Koizumi: (tak mau ketinggal, dia panggil sang sersan) Sersan! Menghadap sebentar (sang Sersan datang) ... coba kamu keliling kapal ini sebanyak 50 kali ... !

Sersan: (melihat ada hiu ... glek ... tapi) for the queen I'am ready to serve!!! (pekik sang sersan, kemudian membuka-buka baju lalu terjun ke laut dan berenang keliling 50 kali ... dan dikejar hiu juga).

Sersan: (menghadap sang perdana menteri) GOD save the queen!!!

Koizumi: Hebat kamu ... kembali ke tempat ... Anda lihat Pak Clinton ... Prajurit saya lebih berani dari prajurit Anda ... (tersenyum dengan hebat ...)

Gus Dur: Kopral ke sini kamu ... (setelah dayang ...) saya perintahkan kamu untuk terjun ke laut lalu berenang mengelilingi kapal perang ini sebanyak 100 kali ... ok?

Kopral: Hah ... Anda gila yah ...! Presiden nggak punya otak ... nyuruh berenang bersama hiu ... kurang ajar!!! (sang Kopral pun pergi meninggalkan sang presiden ...)

Gus Dur: (Dengan sangat bangga) Anda lihat Pak Clinton dan Pak ... Cumi Cumi ... kira-kira siapa yang punya prajurit yang paling BERANI!!! ... Hidup Indonesia ... !!!

operasi vs gratis

Suatu sore datang seorang Bapak ke Dokter ahli THT, karena telinganya tak

sengaja kemasukan biji kacang hijau sewaktu dia beli sesuatu di pasar...

Dan inilah percakapannya:

Dokter Toddy : "Selamat sore..."

Pasien : "Selamat sore Dok!"

Dokter Toddy : "Ada keluhan apa ...?"

Pasien : "Telinga saya kemasukan biji kacang hijau, Dok..."

Dokter Toddy : "Mari tiduran saya periksa telinga anda!"

Dokter pun memeriksa telinganya, dan rupanya biji kacang tersebut cukup

susah di ambil malah mungkin di operasi.

Dokter Toddy : "Ada 2 cara untuk mengeluarkan biji tersebut...?"

Pasien : "Apa saja dok?"

Dokter Toddy : "Operasi kecil biayanya 2 juta dan ada yang gratis..."

Pasien : "Mahal amat Dok, kalau yang gratis bagaimana?"

Dokter Toddy : "Cuma modal sabar..."

Pasien : "Baik, saya sabar, dan bagaimana caranya...?"

Dokter Toddy : "Anda sirami telinga anda 2 k! ali sehari dan nanti jika sudah jadi "toge" anda tinggal tarik keluar."

Me and My Handwriting

What Your Handwriting Says About You

You are sometimes a very energetic person, but you are sometimes quite lethargic. You're moody, prone to ups and downs, and you don't have a lot of endurance.

You range from very outgoing to very shy. You are a shapeshifter who is very versatile. You adapt well, and you look at things from many angles.

You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.

You need a lot of space in your life, and it's easy for you to feel stifled. You avoid commitment and responsibility whenever you can.

You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.

You are a poor communicator. No one really knows exactly what you're getting at.

about my life

Your Life is 55% Perfect

Your life is pretty normal - sometimes great, sometimes not so great.
You have a lot of good stuff going on. Your life may be more perfect than you realize.

Me and Environment

Your Life is 16% Green

You're not really a tree hugger... if anything, you're a smokestack hugger.
So the environment is not your thing. Would it kill you to at least not litter?

My Love Personality Test

Take this test!

About 7% of the U.S. population shares the combination of traits that make up this love type.

Being an ISTJ means that you are one cool customer. Although few would describe you as being warm, cuddly, or sentimental, many people likely see you as an important source of support in their lives. That's because when things are chaotic or falling apart, you're the type of person who can be virtually unflappable. ISTJs like you are known for being talented problem solvers. When it comes to your relationships, you usually know how to speak up for yourself so that others know what you want. But that doesn't mean you're rigid or inflexible. In fact, you're quite willing to bend for the right person. They just need to make their case honestly.

how proud i am about myself? check it out

Your Pride Quotient: 42%

You have your proud moments, but you're also likely to be a little ashamed of them.
Don't be too hard on yourself. It's normal to want to make a stellar impression.

How Virtuous Am I??? Watch and Learn

You Are Not Virtuous

You are bad to the bone, and you're the type of person people love to hate.

You're a real devil, and you really don't care what people think of you.

And while it does feel good to be bad, you may want to clean up your act a little.

Being a bad girl or bad boy is only cute for so long!

Where You Are Not Virtuous

Friday Morning, Raining Falling

Dear Blog, (wakakak serasa nulis diary)
Bandung 25 january 2008 it's raining in the afternoon, jadi gw saranin jangan pergi kemana-mana tanpa bawa umbrella dan dengerin lagu umbrellanya rihanna (optional).
hari ini menjadi sebuah momentum baru buat gw dimana akhirnya demam gw turun juga. (got ya sucker)
tapi gak tau kenapa siang ini suhu tubuh serasa menaik lagi whats wrong??? padahal obat batuk dah ampir abis tuh satu botol gw tenggak, belum beragam obat campuran lainnya kaya kombo maut tolak angin ama decolgen yang gagal melaksanakan tugasnya kali ini hiks.. hiks...
hmmm thats it for today, harusnya ke kampus sih ngurusin surat keterangan mahasiswa, yah tapi kan itu tadi ujan, jadi males, mana baru sembuh lagi hehe...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

after uas effect

uas is over yay tapi sekarang malah bingung, hah why?
soalnya nilai-nilai ada kemungkinan bakal telat keluar, what's the big deal?
ga begitu bermasalah sih, cuma klo nilai gw telat keluar it means i need one more semester buat ambil kkn.
damn what a bother.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How Old I'm Gonna Live?

You Will Die at Age 79

You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...
And how you'll die as well.

Monday, January 21, 2008

this how good i'm with money!!!

You Are Great With Money

You know the value of a dollar - and you save and spend wisely.

By living below your means, you've set yourself up for a rich future.

And while it may hurt to sacrifice now, you'll probably have plenty of money later on.

You're on your way to riches - just keep it up.

gossip??? love it or hate it?

You Are a Little Addicted to Gossip

In your view, most gossip is pretty harmless.

And it's a pretty fun way to pass the time!

You're willing to pass on some juicy details...

As long as you're not impacting anyone's personal life too deeply.

am i socially anxious?

Your Social Anxiety Level: 32%

You have low social anxiety.

Of course very unfamiliar or strange situations make you uncomfortable.

But you can pull through and handle almost any social occasion with grace.

Are U Optimist or Pesimist

You Are a Realist

You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass.

You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is...

But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on.

You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope.

Are U a Socialist or Capitalist

You Are 80% Capitalist, 20% Socialist

In general, you support a free economy and business interests.

You tend to think people should fend for themselves, even when times get tough.

However, do think the government should help those who are truly in need.

Are a Natural Entrepreneur

You Are a Natural Entrepreneur

You're creative, driven, and full of great ideas.

You could be the next Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, or Oprah.

Keep with your dreams, even if people don't understand or respect them.

Someday you'll have too much money to care what they think!

Are U A Mac Or PC

You are a PC

You're practical, thrifty, and able to do almost anything.

Appearances and trends aren't important to you. You just like to get the job done.